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May 2017   « Archives | Current News »

WarcraftPets Discord: Sawfty's Pet Giveaway

May 08, 2017
Sawfty's Pet Giveaway in WarcraftPets Discord Channel
Sawfty's Pet Giveaway — Over 350 Pets!
We recently learned that Sawfty, a Site MVPSite MVP, long-time member and pet collector, has retired from World of Warcraft due to ongoing health issues. It is with heavy heart that we bid him farewell and all the best on his future endeavors.

The WarcraftPets Discord channel was founded and maintained by Sawfty, however with his WoW-retirement he has passed the baton to Pommie.

Per instructions from Sawfty, Pommie will be hosting a pet giveaway in the WarcraftPets Discord channel. There are over 350 fully upgraded pets up for adoption, a few of which are harder to come by!

When: May 8th, 2017, continuing until all pets have found new homes.

Where: WarcraftPets Discord channel -

How: Join the WarcraftPets Discord server, click the #contests channel, and "react" to the GiveawayBot's latest message by clicking the party-popper emoji. You'll know you're entered when the number goes up. When the giveaway is over, the bot will randomly pick a winner who reacted.

Note: This giveaway is limited to US, Oceanic, Latin American, and Brazilian servers as Sawfty's hefty pet collection is on a US realm.

For detailed information on how to join the Discord channel, entering each daily raffle, and additional giveaway guidelines, check out Pommie's forum post on the WarcraftPets Discord thread.

How to Enter Sawfty's Pet Giveaway

Good luck to all entering! Everyone is welcome to join the WarcraftPets Discord to hang out and talk about pets.

On behalf of the community, we'd like to thank Sawfty for his generosity and Pommie for hosting this event.

About Sawfty
Portrait of Sawfty, by @RosseTweet
Sawfty (portrayed right, art by @RosseTweet) started World of Warcraft at the end year of the Burning Crusade.

The name "Sawfty" comes from the fact friends could always bum rides or money from him, making him the "old softie".

He went from raiding to playing more of the "periphery" of World of Warcraft, avidly pursuing archaeology, fishing, running old content, collecting mounts, and of course battling pets.

At his retirement he had collected 850 unique pets, all increased to rare quality and trained to level 25.
Posted by Quintessence

Patch 7.2.5 PTR: Mining Monkey and Two More New Pets

May 13, 2017
Bronze Proto-Whelp
UPDATE: A new PTR build (24116) was released yesterday, and with it another new pet.

The Bronze Proto-Whelp (pictured right) is a drop from the Iron Horde in Blasted Lands. This pet will not be replacing the Bronze Whelpling; they will be two separate pets.

The PTR was updated this past week and three new pets were added. [source]

Three New Pets
Mining Monkey
Previously the upcoming Deadmines Pet Battle Challenge Dungeon achievement awarded the Pocket Cannon, but this pet was moved to a vendor leaving the achievement without a reward.

In the latest PTR build the achievement was updated and it once again awards a pet.

The pet might seem a little familiar, as you face the enemy version inside the Deadmines Pet Battle Dungeon — the Mining Monkey (pictured right)!

There were also two additional new pets in the recent PTR patch, Dig Rat and Sneaky Marmot.

Both of these pets are listed as Rogue Pickpocketing drops. Which NPC do you think could be hiding a rat and marmot in their pockets?

Check out all 7.2.5 datamined pets
Posted by Quintessence

Petopia: Hunters Match Your Pets With Battle Pets!

May 18, 2017
Petopia matching pets
Our good friends over at Petopia have added a fun feature to their in-depth website on hunter pets — suggested matching battle pets!

Many hunter tames come in smaller, less menacing but still ferocious, counterparts, and now it's easier than ever to find your perfect pet combination.

Matching Companion Pet
Browse through the many hunter pets and their different appearances. A suggested matching pet (and sometimes mount) can be found toward the bottom of the page if applicable (example pictured right).

Each link will take you to a WarcraftPets pet page where you can learn more on how to collect your matching battle pet.

Not all hunter pets have a corresponding battle pet. We can only hope Blizzard will one day add more battle pets to the list that look similar to other hunter favorites.

Head over to Petopia and see if your favorite hunter companion has a a battle pet counterpart!
Posted by Quintessence

Now Available: Squirky Battle Pet & Plushie

May 23, 2017
Collectors have been patiently waiting for information on where Squirky, a new baby murloc battle pet, would come from. Well, the wait is over!

Squirky Now Collectible
Blizzard revealed this week that Squirky (pictured right) can be found as a level 25 wild pet on Seabreak Isle. This island is off the north-western coast of Azsuna.

"Looking to add to your in-game pet collection? Be prepared to face dangers untold just off the coast of Azsuna on Seabreak Isle. These elite members of the Squigglefin tribe aren’t going to be happy about your visit to their little home, but if you’re lucky, you’ll be able to find Squirky among them. Summon your veteran pet battle team into action, and make him a part of your own band of merry battle pets."

Although Squirky is a lovable little murloc, its larger counterparts are not as friendly. Level 110 hostile elites with a very fast respawn time swarm the island. Collectors may want to bring a friend or two to help.

So tell a buddy and head out together to Azsuna. Your very own Squirky awaits!

Hug Squirky In Person
But wait, there's more — not only can players collect this pet in-game, a soft, cuddly version is available too.

Squirky Plushie
A Squirky plushie (pictured above) is now available in the Blizzard Gear Store.

Note: The in-game pet and plushie are separate collectibles, and are not tied together. Collect one or the other, or better yet both!

Adopt Squirky and you can give this adorable baby murloc a big hug in person.
Posted by Quintessence

Patch 7.2.5 PTR: Deaths of Chromie Pets & New Faerie Dragon

May 26, 2017
The new PTR build this week contained 3 new pets, one of which we previewed earlier. [source]

Bronze Is the New Black
Joining the recent edition of Bronze Proto-Whelp is the newest bronze-themed dragon, the Ageless Bronze Drake (both pictured below).

Bronze Proto-Whelp and Ageless Bronze Drake

Both of these pets are drops from a Time-Lost Wallet, obtainable by completing the upcoming The Deaths of Chromie Scenario.

Check out all 7.2.5 datamined pets

New Faerie Dragon
Sun Darter Hatchling
The PTR patch also revealed a new faerie dragon pet, Sun Darter Hatchling (pictured right).

Currently the Pet Journal lists this pet as a drop from Oddly-Colored Egg, however it's unknown where this egg will come from.

The pet's flavor text may hint that the egg originates from an other-worldly source.
"This unique species of faerie dragon is not usually found on Azeroth."

Where do you think this pet will come from? Argus, anyone?
Posted by Quintessence

The Amazing Tale of Grannyglee: Her Story Continues

May 30, 2017
The Amazing Grannyglee
In 2015, we shared a heartwarming community spotlight on Donna Glee Reim, a.k.a. Grannyglee, a then 83 year old avid World of Warcraft player and pet collector.

Donna Glee Reim (a.k.a. Grannyglee)
We're happy to report that Grannyglee is still going strong!

At 86 she's still as dedicated to pet collecting as ever and it shows. Her Pet Score and rank on her realm of Kilrogg-EU is ever-rising, plus she recently completed the Family Familiar achievement.

Grannyglee has even created a few YouTube videos to help others with pet collecting. You can check them out on her YouTube channel or on her blog.

Her life outside of WoW has been just as extraordinary. She has had quite the career in film and television, including a small role in Shutter Island.

Check out the 2015 Grannyglee community spotlight

A Conversation with Grannyglee
We had another opportunity to interview Grannyglee about her WoW playing and pet collecting. Here's what she had to say...

QuestionDo you still play as much WoW today as you did 2 years ago in 2015?
Answer I actually play more now and I am still very much enjoying the game - the new expansion has been such fun!

Most of my time is spent devoted to pets and I now have 860 pets – all level 25. I love the new pet dungeon and I use mechanicals to get through it. I am also looking forward to the Deadmines Pet Dungeon!

I am learning new things every day and if I get stumped – I go to WarcraftPets and also I watch YouTube videos. The videos offer a lot of assistance and I appreciate the folks who take the time to post them. I actually posted a few of my own to help people out. I especially like Spriestly100101 because he does such a great job explaining the battle and the pets used in the video.

QuestionOut of the new Legion pets, which is your favorite so far?
Answer I like them all but my favorite has to be that cute little Dust Bunny. It is so clever how Blizzard created the dust rug that appears randomly. It is a great twist and definitely made more interesting.

My daughters, who also play WoW, spoil me with lots of gold that they raise on the Auction House so I can buy rare pets. I am now the proud owner of the million gold Celestial Calf.

QuestionDo you have a favorite pet battling team of 3?
Answer I particularly like the Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling. I use two of them coupled with an undead – usually the Scourged Whelping. I just completed the “Family Familiar” achievement and that really tested my skill as I had to come up with unique combinations and not rely on my favorites. I thought it was even more challenging then The Celestial Tournament.

QuestionWhat would you say to people who have never played WoW?
Answer Well they don’t know what they are missing! Virtual reality is such fun.

For example, I always wanted to hang glide when I was younger and never got around to doing it so now I love the goblin glider because gives me the feeling that I am hang gliding.

Grannyglee gliding
I believe especially for older people like myself, that it is a great way to socialize, improve my motor skills and learn. It is important at my age to continue to challenge my mind. Some of the best play time is when I play with my daughters, one who lives in Massachusetts which is too far away to visit unless by plane. They think it is so cool that I can play and they are always boasting about me. As a goof, I actually put a streak of green in my hair because at the time, my avatar Grannyglee had green hair!

People still say hello and recognize me in game from the article you did 2 years ago. The response from the article was so great – I enjoyed all the comments and couldn’t believe how many times the article was shared on Facebook! The people are always so nice and friendly. I would love to go to Bilzzcon someday and meet all the other gamers. Although, I doubt there will be many my age but you never know!

Cheers to GrannyGlee!
Here's to GrannyGlee and her growing pet collection! Keep up the pet collecting and the pet battles!
Posted by Quintessence

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